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About Us

We Build for People


Hockey Builders 

Roger is a licensed builder works with his sons, Tyler, Brodey and David,  together in construction. Tyler and Brodey are qualified carpenters with David soon to be finishing his time, Jared a first-year apprentice and Ethan, the younger brother helps out during the holidays when the boys need a hand. Mum and the girls keep the boys going supplying meals and helping out with the bookwork.  


Hockey Builders, founded in 2016, have been building residential houses across the beautiful Atherton Tablelands and Cairns Hinterlands. Recently we have turned our hands to deluxe cabin construction, using our skills to provide high quality cabin living. Our goal as a father and son team has been to provide honest, old school, sustainable, timber framed construction, combining modern and tried and proven construction techniques, constructing quality buildings from scratch. Footings to fit-out.


The cabins are constructed in Watsonville. They are then transported by truck and craned into place on site.    

All hard wood, bearers, rafters and decking comes from the local saw mills, if not from our own mill. All of the timber is sustainably sourced making good use of God's creation in a sustainable way.



Roger has been working in the construction industry since the mid 1990's and as a registered builder since 2016.

Though we have constructed everything from new houses, sheds, demolitions and renovations, Roger and the boys specialize in the old school methods of timber frame construction with hand pitched roofs. These methods have been tested with time and we have combined them with modern materials and building practices to supply you with a premium finished product


All our transportable cabins have been constructed to meet the following credentials:

  • Certification for class1A dwelling

  • Energy efficiency

  • C2 Engineered plans 

  • Council approval    


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